Monday, April 10, 2017

School Uniforms

1. What is your name?
Gabby Welsh

2. Do you think that having uniforms are beneficial to the district?
No, because they are a sign of control which will only make the students more unwilling and unmotivated to participate in school.

3. How do you think uniforms will change the school day?
Everyone will look the same and the atmosphere will be dull.

4. Do you think students will appreciate uniforms?
Most of the students will resent the uniforms and I think they won't change anyone's mindset, if not negatively effect the school.

5. How will this new policy affect individuals in the district?
Uniforms won't allow students to express themselves and this could create confusion within certain students. 

6. Will uniforms help students focus on academics?
I do think that students will be less focused on what they wear to school, but their attention could be directed to even more serious thinks like drugs and alcohol rather than looks and academics.

7. What made the district decide on uniforms?
The school probably wants a better reputation and make the students look more educated and formal with uniforms. They might also want to stick out from the rest of Austin ISD.

8. What are some advantages on school uniforms?
It could bring the focus of clothing to other issues, and lessen the pressure of competition between individuals.

9. What are some disadvantages on school uniforms?
The atmosphere could become boring and students will most likely retaliate.

10. How will uniforms affect bullying issues?
People might stop people from bullying others involving visual aspects, but uniforms can't stop cyber bullying or issues not involving looks.

12. How will uniforms affect the school staff?
Students won't be dress-coded by adults anymore, but the staff have to dress appropriately/semi-professional so they won't be affected by the change.

13. Are teachers affected by the uniforms?
Yes, the teachers will have to wear the colors, but not necessarily the uniform that students wear.

14. Will uniforms support the idea of equality?
If everyone is equal relating to looks, then the students won't be able to find people like them. Without uniforms, students can express themselves and show a piece of their personality so uniforms create a false sense of equality.

15. How do you think most students will react to uniforms?
I don't many students will like uniforms (I, myself don't care about uniforms as much as other students) , and there may be a petition to get rid of them.

16. How will uniforms be enforced on campus? 
Students will be sent home if they aren't wearing the uniforms and there are none available for them on campus.

17. What punishments will students who don't wear uniforms face?
Students will be sent to the office and they will have to call their parents to pick them up.

18. Do you think uniforms will help attendance rates?
In a way, girls won't spend as much time picking out a daily outfit. Boys probably won't be as affected.

19. How will uniforms affect the students' creativity?
Students won't be able to express themselves as much and this can dull their personalities, and this can created un-motivation.

20. Will uniforms affect how students view themselves and each other?
Students will have to get to know other students instead of judging their attire beforehand. Also, students won't have to compare themselves to other students as much.

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