1. The man was shoved on to the train tracks by a panhandler when an upcoming train was coming at the same time. The photographer was running along the train in an effort to try to stop the train with the flash on the camera. While he was using the flash the camera was taking pictures and that is how he was able to capture the man stuck on the tracks.
2. The photographer took the photo because he claimed that he wasn't able to help the man himself, so he tried to stop the train and he took the pictures.
3. The photographer should have taken the photo because it is important to get real life events in the world to inform people about major occurrences, even if it is explicit.
4. I do not think the photographer tried his best to save the man because the photographer was very close to the man and saying that he wasn't able to get the man out didn't make sense. If the photographer had enough time to take multiple pictures, he defiantly had enough time to pull the man out.
5. I think it was the right decision to run this image as the front cover of the New York Post because it is important for people to know about important events. If the image wasn't on the front cover, then the photographer probably wouldn't be criticized and the image had people questioning him.
6. Capturing images of life is more important because the photographer is supposed to capture events, not stop them. It is specifically their job to stay out of the way and let fire fighters or police to their jobs and the photographers to only capture the events.
7. Yes, a photographer should involve themselves in things if there is no-one else around to help the victim.
8. I do not think photographers should always avoid events because in the end the stories will be forgotten, and the only think that matters is if victims were helped and the heartache was saved if possible.
9. The second to last post stood out the most because the person supported his arguments and stated the outcomes if the photographer acted differently in the situation, instead of just blowing up and stating random insults with no intelligence.
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